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Each of our tamariki are unique and come with their own sleeping routine.


To ensure the safety and wellbeing of tamariki when sleeping at our Centre through regular monitoring.  Also, to ensure kaiako follow individual sleeping routines of our tamariki in a caring, relaxed and familiar environment.


  • We provide sleep spaces & cots/mattresses that meet ECE Licensing Criteria safety standards are arranged so that:  Kaiako have clear access to at least one side along the length of the cot/mattress.  Tamariki are able to sit or stand and can do safely as they wake.
  • The Sleep Monitoring procedure is located in each sleeping space throughout the Centre for kaiako and whānau to see.
  • Adequate space is provided between beds to ensure safety and hygiene.
  • All tamariki are provided with their own individual sleeping space and bed linen.
  • Kindy does not have a permanently set up sleep room, so their bedding is hygienically stored in a cupboard when not in use.
  • Sleep spaces are positive and peaceful to ensure undisturbed rest and we follow tikanga protocols.
  • Kaiako are relaxed and unhurried in preparing the tamariki for sleep, and flexible to their individual routines.
  • The individual sleep routines of our infants will be followed. In the Toddlers & Kindy, structured sleep/rest times are provided.
  • Ratios are maintained while the tamariki are sleeping.
  • Whānau are encouraged to bring anything special that may help their tamariki to settle for their sleep times.
  • Kaiako support whānau as the tamariki develop new sleep patterns e.g phasing sleep out, limiting sleep times, etc.

Procedure for Monitoring Sleeping Tamariki

  • An assigned kaiako will ensure tamariki are checked for warmth, breathing (faces are clear of blankets), and general well-being every ten minutes and will sign the sleep chart to say they have checked the tamariki.
  • The sleep times of our tamariki are recorded and are available for whānau to see each day.
  • Tamariki will generally sleep in the designated sleeping place.  However, there may be special circumstances arise that mean it is more appropriate for a tamaiti to sleep elsewhere.
  • At no time will tamariki have access to food or liquids while in bed in accordance with the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008.
  • A Baby Monitor will be turned on throughout the day in both the Infants and Toddler sleep rooms.
  • No other adults may enter the sleep space while the tamariki are asleep, unless they are accompanied by a kaiako.

Alignment with Other Policies

  • Communication & Consultation policy
  • Child Protection policy

Relevant Background

Licensing Criteria 2008, Health and Safety, Sleep documentation required:

  • HS9: (i) A procedure for monitoring sleep times. The procedure ensures that tamariki:

– Do not have access to food or liquids while in bed; and

– Are checked for warmth, breathing, and general well-being at least every 5-10 minutes, or more frequently according to individual needs.

(ii) A record of the time each tamariki left in the care of the service sleeps, and checks made by adults during that time.

  • HS10: Further sleep criteria includes adults having access to at least one side of the bed (cot, stretcher, mattress); the area surrounding each tamariki allows sufficient air movement to minimise the risk of spreading illness; and tamariki who are able to sit or stand can do so safely as they wake.
  • HS11: If not set up permanently beds (cots, stretchers, mattresses) and bedding is hygienically stored when not in use.

Impacts of Policy on Staff, Parents and Tamariki

This policy is underpinned by the right to protection and wellbeing for all of our tamariki.

Alignment with the Philosophy of Midcity Childcare

This policy ensures a safe environment, a crucial part of creating and maintaining the wellbeing of the tamariki in our care.

Implications and/or Risks for Midcity Childcare

Unsafe practices undermine quality.


The Team Leaders & Manager are responsible for ensuring this policy is followed.


Review bi-annually or when there is a significant change in the area of the policy topic.

Authorised: Manager
Date: May 2024
Review Date: May 2026
Consultation Undertaken: Management/Kaiako/Parents & Whānau