Our Policies & Procedures
Successful transition processes are very important for our tamariki, parents/whānau and kaiako. We create an environment that empowers tamariki and gives them a great sense of belonging by developing strong, reciprocal relationships with them and their whānau. We ensure that the tamariki have the age appropriate tools and skills needed to make a seamless and positive transition to the next stage of their learning journey.
Settling into a new Centre and transitioning from one room to another, or from our Centre to school, can be unsettling for both tamariki and parents. Tamariki learn best when they are feeling safe and are in a loving environment. Therefore, we will ensure that tamariki, parents and whānau are comfortable and feel welcome during their time at Midcity.
1. Transition from home to Midcity
- We strongly encourage parents/whānau of new tamariki to take part in our transition process.
- A transition kaiako will be allocated to the tamariki who is transitioning to support them with routines and rituals in their new environment, and to build a strong relationship with them and their parents/whānau.
- For the first transition visit, parents/whānau will be encouraged to stay with their tamariki in the Centre.
- For ongoing visits, parents/whānau will be encouraged to leave their tamariki for short periods of time (which increase over the visits) during the transition process so they get used to their new environment and understand that their parent/whānau will come back for them.
- Parents/whānau are able to phone the Centre or visit in person for updates on the progress of their tamariki.
- Parents/whānau will have opportunities to speak with kaiako at the beginning and end of each day to pass on special instructions regarding their tamariki and to keep informed of their day.
- All tamariki must be signed in and kaiako made aware of their arrival.
- Kaiako will endeavour to make farewells calm and positive experiences for tamariki. Extra comfort and attention will be given whenever it’s needed.
2. Transition to another room within Midcity
- Transitioning between rooms is based on developmental readiness, availability of spaces and in consultation with parents/whānau. Parents/whānau are notified and kept informed about the likelihood and timing of any space becoming available whenever possible.
- Relevant information about the tamariki who is transitioning, will be exchanged between the new and existing kaiako.
- Individual Health Plans, Dietry requirements & Annual Medicine Forms are shared and reviewed if needed.
- Parents/whānau will be asked to fill out the Transition Form and discuss their aspirations for their tamariki with the new kaikako.
- During this process, the transition kaiako will support tamariki for success in their new environment by facilitating regular visits and showing parents/whānau around the new environment.
- Transition kaiako will make time to introduce parents/whānau to the kaiako in the new room that their tamariki will be transitioning into.
- If the tamariki need more time to make the transition easier, we will endeavour to ensure this happens. Their sense of belonging and happiness is our number one priority.
3. Transition from Midcity to school
- We will provide our Kindy tamariki with the tools and skills they need to prepare them for school.
- Tamariki are encouraged and supported to develop their independence and self-help skills.
- Tamariki are given responsibility in group situations and are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
- Tamariki are provided with experiences in which they can choose their own learning journey in an interesting, challenging environment, alongside kaiako who support them to extend their learning.
- We support parents/whānau to arrange school visits for their child.
- We provide evidence of where the tamariki is at in their learning journey to share with their school kaiako. Our ‘Time At Kindy’ Learning Story is aligned with the school curriculum.
Alignment with Other Policies
Enrolment policy
Communication & Consultation policy
Curriculum policy
Relevant Background (including legislation/regulation references)
There is no regulatory text for this. Settling and transition issues are important ones for both tamariki and adults, and need to be handled sensitively and skilfully by our kaiako.
Impacts of Policy on Kaiako, Parents and Tamariki
- Poor levels of trust between home and Centre if the transition isn’t positive.
Alignment with the Philosophy of Midcity Childcare
This policy is aligned with our Centre’s philosophy.
Implications and/or Risks for Midcity Childcare
- Unhappy parents and/or tamariki may transfer to other Centres.
- Reputation damage with local schools.
The Manager will ensure all staff are trained in effective transition processes for tamariki and their whānau. The Manager will monitor the application of this policy.
Review bi-annually or when there is a significant change in the area of the policy topic.
Authorised: Manager
Date: September 2022
Review Date: September 2024
Consultation Undertaken: Management/Kaiako/Parents & Whānau