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We value parents and whānau contribution and involvement in the education and care of their tamariki while they are in our Centre. We ensure that parents and whānau are advised on how to access relevant information concerning their tamariki and the operation of the Centre and inform them of any reviews or consultation processes.


A wonderful indicator of quality in Early Childhood settings is the degree to which parents and whānau work in partnership with the kaiako to provide positive learning outcomes for the tamariki.


This Centre informs, consults and involves parents and whānau in planning, operations and involvement by:

  • Informative discussion on enrolment.
  • Information sharing during transition visits with their transition teacher.
  • Centre noticeboards with relevant information for parents & whānau.
  • Community posts on Storypark.
  • Newsletters to keep parents up to date with Centre happenings.
  • Daily informal interactions during arrival and departure times.
  • Being available for private meetings with parents when this is requested. Ensuring that we provide times to update parents & whānau on the progress of their tamariki, and to learn from them about what is happening in their environment and address any issues.
  • Establishing a welcoming environment and encouraging parents & whānau to spend time with their tamariki in our Centre.
  • Sharing the learning pathway of the tamariki through portfolios, Storypark and face to face discussions.
  • Having conversations to ensure that we understand the parents & whānau aspirations for their tamariki.
  • Encouraging contributions of home stories, pictures and photos to portfolios.
  • Encouraging participation in our programme where parents & whānau have particular skills such as music or craft skills, or during outings, etc.
  • Holding social or educational evenings for parents and whānau.
  • Consulting with parents & whānau on significant policy changes & reviews.
  • Carrying out an annual survey to gain parent & whānau input so that it informs our evaluation processes.


Alignment with Other Policies

  • Complaints, Enrolment & Curriculum policies

Relevant Background (including legislation/regulation references)

Licensing Criteria 2008, Governance, Management and Administration, Parent Involvement and Information documentation required:

  • GMA2: Written information letting parents know how to access:
  • Information concerning their tamariki;
  • The service’s operational documents; and
  • The most recent Education Review Office (ERO) report regarding the service.
  • GMA3: Written information letting parents know:
  • How they can be involved in the service;
  • Any fees charged by the service;
  • The amount and details of the expenditure of any Ministry of Education (MOE) funding received by the service; and
  • About any planned reviews and consultation.

Impacts of Policy on Kaiako, Parents and Tamariki

This policy ensures parents & whānau know how they can be involved in our Centre and contribute to decisions about the education and care of their tamariki. It also informs them of what rights they have to be consulted on matters concerning our Centre and their tamariki.

Alignment with the Philosophy of Midcity Childcare

This policy is aligned with our Centre’s philosophy.

Implications and/or Risks for Midcity Childcare

This policy has implications for the quality of care provided. Strong relationships amongst parents, whānau, kaiako and management allows smooth and rapid resolving of issues, thus protecting the integrity of the Centre and ensures positive learning outcomes for our tamariki.


The Manager trains kaiako to act on these policies and ensures everyone understands the importance of open communication and strong relationships with our parents & whānau.



Review bi-annually or when there is a significant change in the area of the policy topic.

Authorised: Manager
Date: July 2023
Review Date: July 2025
Consultation Undertaken: Management/Staff/Parents & Whānau