Our Policies & Procedures
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional behaviour, and an environment that is safe for tamariki and kaiako.
This policy covers the use of multimedia, cyber safety, social media and other information and image-sharing devices. It covers use of email, websites, blogs, Facebook, Instagram and other social networking sites, phones, video cameras, sound recorders and other technologies.
When used appropriately these are tools for tamariki to explore and for kaiako to use in many aspects of their work. On the other hand, misuse can be very damaging to tamariki, kaiako and the Centre.
Kaiako must sign an agreement about use of multimedia tools, and social and other online media.
Visitors and relievers may not take images of the faces of our tamariki without the specific permission of the Manager and parents/whānau because we will not know how these images could be used.
We use a range of multimedia devices to support learning, professional development and as assessment and information sharing tools.
Kaiako can take digital images and recordings of tamariki in the Centre to show evidence of their learning, to record special events and where permission given – for marketing (our website, Facebook, etc).
Any kaiako who allows another person, who does not have a signed use agreement with the Centre to use its ICT equipment, is responsible for that use, and may be held responsible for any misuse.
Parents and whānau of tamariki attending Midcity Childcare can take images at the Centre and at Centre events that only involve their own tamariki.
Parents and whānau are entitled to copies of these images and recordings. They may only be shared through confidential means (Storypark) with whānau unless they give specific permission for sharing through more accessible means e.g. Midcity Childcare website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Use of all personally owned ICT devices in the workplace must first be approved by the Manager and must be appropriate to Midcity Childcare’s environment. Once photos or
videos have been uploaded to one of the Centre’s computers, they must then be deleted from the personal device.
All ICT equipment/devices should be cared for in a responsible manner. Any damage, loss or theft of ICT equipment/devices must be reported immediately to the Manager.
Online communication
· We use a range of online tools to support the learning pathways of our tamariki – both to ensure tamariki learn appropriate use of a range of media and to facilitate learning through the use of research tools, language learning and other types of learning.
· We use a range of online tools to ensure excellent communication flow between home and the Centre.
· We use online tools to promote the learning and development for kaiako and to have positive interactions.
· Kaiako must be professional in their use of online media, whether their usage is directly to do with their employment or not. Even comments on a social media site that are not directly related to their job can impact on the Centre’s reputation.
· Kaiako that participate in online communication deemed not to be in the best interest of the Centre, its staff, employers, tamariki or whānau, regardless of whether this occurs inside or outside of working hours, will be subject to disciplinary action. This online communication can include but is not limited to:
– Communications that damage the reputation of the Centre
– Communications that breach confidentiality
– Communications that are detrimental to an employee or employer’s reputation
– Communications that reflect negative, personal issues regarding the Centre, its employees or employers, whānau and tamariki.
We use appropriate online barriers and monitor all tamariki usage of online tools to ensure they are not exposed to any online material that is inappropriate for them.
Kaiako must verify the contact details of recipients before sending confidential and/or sensitive information.
All emails originating from our ICT equipment may be perceived as representing the opinion of Midcity Childcare. All personal opinions expressed must be clearly identified as such.
Users may not download, install or connect software or hardware onto our ICT equipment/devices without prior authorisation.
Kaiako will only use the Midcity Childcare’s logo if Management approves such usage.
Legal requirements
· Kaiako respect copyrights and the Privacy Act at all times.
· Kaiako respect each other, the tamariki, and their whānau with confidentiality in all online and multimedia communications.
· Kaiako are strictly prohibited from illegally downloading any copyrighted content such as (but not limited to) movies, music or software on our computers. Neither must they initiate access to, save, copy , show, or print inappropriate, objectionable and /or illegal material.
ICT must not be used to deliberately facilitate any illegal or inappropriate workplace behaviour. This includes electronic communication that could cause offence to others, harass or harm them, or put kaiako at potential risk.
· Kaiako will seek written permission from parents and whānau before using images of their tamariki for any purposes.
· Disciplinary action can include termination or other intervention deemed appropriate by Management, including reimbursement for compensation and costs from employees who infringe copyright.
Alignment with Other Policies
Communication & Consultation policy
Curriculum policy
Child Protection policy
Human Resource policy
Relevant Background (including legislation/regulation references)
- Privacy Act
- Copyright (Infringing File Sharing – Copyright Reform) Amendment Act 2011. (Owners of copyrighted content such as movies, music or software can record the IP address of internet connections that download that copyrighted content. If a copyright owner becomes aware of copyright infringement, they can complain to the relevant internet service provider (ISP) and action can be taken by the ISP, which can include compensation of up to $15,000 payable by the account holder to the copyright owner.)
Impacts of Policy on Kaiako, Parents and Tamariki
Ensures professional use of multimedia, social media and other information and image-sharing devices.
Alignment with the Philosophy of Midcity Childcare
This policy is aligned with our Centre’s philosophy.
Implications and/or Risks for Midcity Childcare
Failure to adhere to this policy can damage the reputation of the Centre and individuals within it.
The Manager will ensure all staff understand and have written agreements around use of social media. Complaints received will be promptly acted on and fairly processed in line with our personnel policies.
Review bi-annually or when there is a significant change in the area of the policy topic.
Authorised: Manager
Date: September 2024
Review Date: September 2026
Consultation Undertaken: Management/Kaiako/Parents & Whānau